Youtube adds support for 60fps videos

The more the better

While videos at YouTube have been quite good to look at high resolution, the 30fps capped framerate was a thorn in the eye of a lot of users which argue that some things look much better at original 60fps framerate. Thankfully as of today, YouTube has added an option of displaying higher framerate of up to 60fps.

This will definitely bring some impressive videos to YouTube, especially for gameplay videos. Of course there is a small catch as the higher framerate will only be available at HD resolutions, or precisely 720p and above, and will not be available on mobile devices.

There are already a bunch of videos with 60fps framerate on YouTube and you can check out Battlefield Hardline mulitplayer trailer as well as Titanfall gameplay trailer below.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Youtube adds support for 60fps videos - YouTube - News - ocaholic