Google announces Project Tango

Coming in 2015 with Google and LG

During Google I/O 2014, the company has announced a rather interesting new "initiative" called the Project Tango, which is practically an Android smartphone that learns and maps the world around it. According to recent information, Google will be working closely with LG in order to bring the Project Tango to consumers as early as next year.

In case you missed it during Google I/O 2014 announcement and since we did not cover it so far, the Project Tango comes from company's Advanced Technology and Project Group and is capable of learning the dimensions of any space that it is currently in just by being moved around that space with the end-result where the smartphone could give you precise location of something or give you precise directions to a certain point via Maps or Navigation. The Project Tango will use motion tracker camera and depth sensor in order to make a precise 3D map of its surroundings, which will eventually lead to detailed indoor maps, virtual reality augmented apps and a whole lot of other features.

According to latest set of information coming from, Google will be working closely with LG, the South Korean company which already worked closely with Google on both the Nexus 4 and the Nexus 5 smartphones, in order to bring the Project Tango to consumers as early as next year. While both LG and Google did not talk about specific date, we will hopefully see it in the first half of the next year as it certainly sounds interesting.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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