Microsoft reports record revenue of US $24.52 billion

For Q2 FY 2014

Microsoft has announced a record revenue of SU $24.52 billion for the second quarter of its 2014 fiscal year, which ended on 31st of December 2013. This is actually a growth of around 14 percent when compared to the last year and quite a surprise considering how much it struggled in the last period.

In addition to the increased revenue of 14 percent to US $24.52 billion, the operating income was at 7.97 billion with net income of US $6.56 billion or $0.78 of earnings per share. Most of the reported revenue comes from Xbox consoles as Microsoft managed to sell 7.4 million units this quarter, 3.9 million Xbox One and 3.5 million Xbox 360 consoles. It also gained a lot in Surface sales as the number has more than doubled from US $400 million in the first quarter to US $893 million in the second one. The company also got a decent boost from Bing search engine which share grew to 18.2 percent pushing search advertising revenue up by 34 percent.

The Windows OEM revenue, on the other hand, declined by 3 percent, but gained 12 percent in Windows OEM PRO revenue. Microsoft also gained a lot of market share from SQL Server, System Center, Commercial cloud services and Office 365.

"Our Commercial segment continues to outpace the overall market, and our Devices and Consumer segment had a great holiday quarter," said Steve Ballmer, chief executive officer at Microsoft. "The investments we are making in devices and services that deliver high-value experiences to our customers, and the work we are doing with our partners, are driving strong results and positioning us well for long-term growth."

"We delivered record revenue as demand for our business offerings remains high and we made strong progress in our Devices and Consumer segment," said Amy Hood, chief financial officer at Microsoft. "These results reflect our focus on execution, cost discipline, and long-term shareholder value as we continue to drive the strategic transformation of the company."


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Microsoft reports record revenue of US $24.52 billion - Microsoft - News - ocaholic