Razer's Project Christine not doing well

No support from OEMs

Back in January, Razer has previewed its Project Christine concept, a modular PC that will offer easy module upgrades of hardware, but, according to an interview with Techradar, it appears that Razer can't find enough willing OEMs to make the Project Christine a reality.

In an interview with TechRadar.com, Razer's CEO Min-Liang Tan said that Project Christine is a challenge that Razer would not like to undertake alone and while they had some conversations with OEMs, this are not entirely promising right now since "OEMs are excited about pushing products and not really innovating on that front."

All is not lost for Project Christine as Tan added that Razer will announce partnerships with two or three OEMs by "the end of the year" which suggest that some might go for the concept of modular PC. While these types of systems are usually reserved for high-end market, Tan also noted that he wants the Project Christine and its modules to be available at a broad range of prices and introduce a subscription model for Christine modules which should solve the problem of unused and out-of-date hardware.

In any case, we certainly hope that Razer will be able to make the Project Christine a reality as this is definitely the most innovative PC system we have seen in a long time.

Source: Techradar.com.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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