Steam hits over eight million concurrent users

Another record for Steam

During past weekend, Valve's Steam managed to shatter yet another record by having over eight million gamers on Steam at the same time.

According to Valve's Steam stats page, the peak usage of 8,020,813 gamers occurred around 12:12 PM PDT which was the closing hours of the popular Steam Summer Sale.

Previous record was set at around 7.5 million users and happened during Christmas period last year. In case you were shopping around those sweet Steam Summer Sale deals, you are definitely a part of that record.

Valve's Steam is getting bigger and bigger every day and with the upcoming big launch of the Steam OS and Steam Machines, it will only get bigger.

Source: via

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Steam hits over eight million concurrent users - Steam - News - ocaholic