Kingston celebrates Chinese New Year with flash drive

A cute horse flash drive

Kingston has decided to celebrate the Chinese New Year with an USB flash drive with the effigy of the animal of the year. According to Chinese calendar we are now going into the year of the horse and Kingston's flash drive represents a winged horse.

This year in China, it is the year of the horse. To celebrate, Kingston decided to release an USB flash drive focusing on this animal. This USB 2.0 16 GB flash drive is purely promotional, and we are not even sure that you will be able to find it in all regions. It bears the name Kingston Flying Horse Limited Edition with model DTCNY14 number.

Whether we like the horse or not, the new Kingston flash drive is rather funny and we do recommend not show it to your girlfriend at the risk of having to spend hours looking for it on the internet.

Source: Le Comptoir du Hardware

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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