Samsung reveals its Galaxy Camera 2 camera

Coming to CES

There were quite a few rumors regarding the new Samsung Galaxy Camera and judging by the official announcement from Samsung that came yesterday, we will finally have a chance to see it as soon as Consumer Electronics Show kicks off on January 7th.

According to Samsung, the new Galaxy Camera 2 will feature a quad-core 1.6GHz clocked processor, 2000mAh battery, a 4.8-inch HD Super Clear Touch LCD and, of course, Android OS. The main part of the new Galaxy Camera 2 is, of course, the 16-megapixel BSI CMOS sensor behind massive 21x optical zoom lens. It will also pack 2GB of RAM and come with 50GB of two-year free Dropbox storage.

The rest of the specs and features include Wi-Fi and NFC connectivity, Tag and Go, Photo Beam and Mobile Link features.

Of course, Samsung is keeping some of the more important features for CES, so we still do not know the precise launch date or the price.

Source: via

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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