Wireless Energie - bald Realität?

MIT's Department of Physics und das Research Laboratory of Electronics forschen gemeinsam an einer Technik, die erlauben soll, Energie auf kurze Entfernung ohne Kabel zu übertragen.

Diese Technik basiert auf der Erzeugung eines elektromagnetischen Feldes. Trifft dieses Feld ein Gerät, das selber ein solches Feld mit gleicher Resonanz erzeugt, kann es zu einer Energieübertragung kommen.

Soljacic realized that the close-range induction taking place inside a transformer--or something similar to it--could potentially transfer energy over longer distances, say, from one end of a room to the other. Instead of irradiating the environment with electromagnetic waves, a power transmitter would fill the space around it with a "non-radiative" electromagnetic field. Energy would only be picked up by gadgets specially designed to "resonate" with the field. Most of the energy not picked up by a receiver would be reabsorbed by the emitter.

Quelle: Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MIT Tech Talk - November 15th, 2006 (Download PDF-File)

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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