Star Citizen not coming to next-gen consoles

Simply could not cope with it

While most developers are hoping and planning to port its PC game to consoles, Cloud Imperium Games and its Star Citizen have always been slightly different and are quite sure that this game will not show up on next-gen consoles.

According to Eric Peterson, the game will not be available for next-gen consoles as it would be impossible due to the fact that both the Xbox One and the Playstation 4 simply do not have enough power to drive the game.

There has been a constant battle between consoles and the PC as while consoles usually offer better gameplay, ease of mind, compatibility and are practically future-proof, the PC always had better graphics, more frames per second and was only limited by how much you are willing to pay to get close to the ultimate high-end gaming rig.

While talking to Italian site PC-Gaming, Eric Peterson noted that consoles could not handle a game like Star Citizen and that Chris and him grew up with PC games and were influenced by the feeling that PC has been pushed aside in the last few years and that all we were able to see were mere console ports with graphics that did not really exploit the power of the PC. He added that the next-generation consoles already have internal components that are older than what he could add to a gaming PC today.

While running Star Citizen will not require an ultra high-end gaming PC, the game will most likely be limited to 50 to 70 players simultaneously in order to avoid problems for players with less powerful hardware. On the other hand, those with the latest and highest-end hardware will be able to take full advantage of the game. According to Petersen, this was done to show everyone the capabilities of the PC and take advantage of those high-end liquid cooled gaming systems.

This decision from Cloud Imperium Games does not come as a surprise considering that its founder, Chris Roberts, earlier noted that next-gen consoles would lag PCs a full year before they were released and also noted that Star Citizen will never be "dumbed down for a lesser platform".

In case you missed it, crowd-funding campaign for Star Citizen has recently reached a staggering US $48 million.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Star Citizen not coming to next-gen consoles - Roberts Space Industries - News - ocaholic