OCZ launches next-gen ZD-XL SQL Accelerator

The ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5

OCZ Storage Solutions, which is now a Toshiba Group Company, has announced the introduction as well as the availability of its next-generation SQL Server acceleration solution, the new ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5.

The new ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5 supports Microsoft SQL Server 2014, 2012 and 2008 R2 versions expanding on the key flash-based storage features that improve I/O access performance and provides optimized and efficient flash acceleration for SQL Server by using unique integration with the application in order to get the most out of SQL Server 2014 features, such as lash Buffer Pool Extension (BPE) support.

According to OCZ Storage Solutions, the new ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5 brings a wider list of SQL Server 2014 features support including tighter integration with SQL Server management enabling acceleration at a per database level versus having to accelerate all of the databases files on disk, support for running SQL in a virtualized environment via VMware ESXi and Microsoft Hyper-V enabling the flash resources to support multiple virtual machines (VMs) running SQL Server workloads concurrently as well as remote flash services which enable SQL Server to run on blade servers in order to benefit from high-performance and high density of the PCIe flash storage.

"Our next generation SQL accelerator extends the SQL Server 2014 flash storage feature-set and uniquely exposes our PCIe-based on-host flash resources as local flash volumes, a flash cache for HDD volumes, or any combination of both, efficiently distributing random workloads in parallel between all of its available flash," said Daryl Lang, SVP of Product Management for OCZ Storage Solutions. "This unrivalled flash partitioning enables transient files (such as tempDB) to benefit from fast flash performance while hot data is cached to flash for immediate availability by SQL Server."

Mostly aimed at small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) as well as larger enterprises/data centers, the ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5 provides the performance increase represented in TPM (database transactions per minute) ranging from 18x to 22x, when used in a standard local HDD based configurations. When used in a standard SAN storage environment in larger enterprises/data centers, the ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5 can offer from 1.5x to 5x higher TPM, depending on the performance of the SAN itself as well as a number of supported virtual users.

The new ZD-XL SQL Accelerator 1.5 is available three Multi-Level Cell (MLC) configurations supporting 800 GB, 1.6 TB and 3.2 TB storage capacities in a Full-Height/Half-Length form factor.

Source: OCZ.com.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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