Android L to bring massive battery improvements

When compared to Android Kitkat

According to the the test of the upcoming Android L and Project Volta, done by Ars Technica, it appears that the new Android OS will bring impressive battery life improvements when compared to the Android KitKat OS.

Google's Android Jelly Bean was all about the Project Butter which was meant to improve the overall speed and performance by bringing smooth animations while the Android KitKat had Project Svelte which brought certain optimizations for entry-level hardware with 512MB of RAM. At its last Google I/O 2014, Google has announced the Android L Developer Preview and talked a lot about the Project Volta, a focus on increasing the battery life of devices.

In order to check out how much improvements does Project Volta actually bring, Ars Technica ran some WiFi browsing tests on Android L Developer Preview and compared it to Android 4.4 KitKat showing that the Android L will bring some impressive battery life improvements, which was up to 36 percent improvement in the case of the tested smartphone.

Of course, the numbers will be different on different devices but it at least gives us a general idea of the battery life improvements.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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