A few months ago Nvidia and Epic Games showed the potential of the new Tegra K1 SoC with an interesting demo. This time, Nvidia chose Google, during the Google I/O conference, to show another demo based on an Android system.
The Google I/O 2014 conference is probably one of the best occasions to showcase the potential of a new product, given the great Android circulation. Nvidia was ready, and they showed a new demo realized with Google and Epic Games, which showed the great abilities of the Tegra K1.
Once again, they used the Unreal Engine 4, which is the best option when you want to push the Kepler architecture to its limit. Incidentally, they also showed the great improvement brought by Android L and the new Extension Pack, which should improve performances and functionalities of the OpenGL ES 3.1.
The best improvements were seen on shadows management and tessellation. The rendering itself was not bad either, for such a dark and blurry demo. Those next-gen consoles should definitely watch their backs.
Anandtech via
Le Comptoir du Hardware.