Hitman cancellato?

Si o no?

Richard Knight su LinkedIn ha prima indicato lo stop da parte di Square Enix Montreal sul seguito di Hitman. Knight era al lavoro per Square Enix Montreal come designer.

Dal momento che sono presenti notizie non molto chiare, Square Enix ha preso parola. Vista la crisi economica e lo scarso profitto, Square Enix ha dovuto tagliare quasi il 50% della forza lavoro.

"There's a bit of confusion around the Hitman projects currently in development at Square Enix-owned studios and so we wanted to take the time to clarify what each studio is working on to clear up some of this confusion. Io-Interactive is developing a new, AAA Hitman game that will be coming to PC and next-gen consoles and Square Enix Montreal is fully focused on mobile development of games some of which are related to the Hitman franchise," A Square Enix representative said. "We look forward to sharing more details about these titles later this year."

Square Enix non sta abbandonando Hitman, ci vorrà solo più tempo.

Fonte: PCGamer

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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