Notebook shipments slow in July and August

Will affect Q3 2013 results

According to Digitimes report, citing sources from the supply chain, notebook shipments in July and August have been quite slow and there is slim to none chance that they will pick up until later next month.

According to the report the shipments of the top-five notebook vendors were down 20 percent when compared to the July last year. The notebook vendors have adjusted their reserves through the third quarter which affected the performance of their supply chains. Notebook vendors are expected to release new units in September but will face a tough competition from new tablets scheduled for the same period.

The same source suggest that notebook vendors will push low-priced touch screen notebook in future in order to counter the tablet segment. The back-to-school period should fix some things but the current situation will definitely have a big impact on financial results.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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