One could think the reason for factory overclocking an R9 290X is that it's not fast enough, but as we all know it isn't. HIS decided to make a really fast card even faster by overclocking it and equipping it with a more powerful cooler.
With their R9 290X IceQ X
2 Turbo graphics card the maker decided to increase clock speeds on the GPU by 60 MHz. In case of the memory they're staying reference clocks of 5.0 GHz and therefore there is 320 Gigaybte of bandwidth at disposal. Looking for other changes there is a blue PCB and HIS' IceQ X
2 cooler. It received some gold paintjob and there are two fans. Each of them measures 10cm in diameter and blows fresh air towards a massive heatsink.
Unfortunately there are no details on the availability so far and when it comes to pricing we expect the card to cost slightly more than 500 Euro.