Steam OS definitely an open OS

That is what Gabe Newell wants

Steam OS, Steam OS and again Steam OS. These days it appears that most of the news are about the new operating system from Valve. Meanwhile Gabe Newell explained that Steam OS is going to be an open platform, inviting developers from all over the world to contribute.
In a comment Gabe Newell posted on Reddit, he said the following about Steam Machines and their operating system:

What part is proprietary? We're trying to make it as open as possible. If EA wants to put Origin on it, that would be fine, etc... (trying to pick an example of something that people think we would prohibit).

If we start looking for criticism on Steam OS, then we for example find comments and posts from gamers saying, that it's a pity, that there is no way to play all AAA titels on a Steam Machine. In this context Gabe Newell replies that other publishers certainly don't have to play according to Valve's rules.

For Steam OS it would certainly be a big win if developers started to make their games compatible to Linux or if other large publishers, like for instance EA, Ubisoft, Vivendi, ... would jump on the Steam OS bandwagon.

Source: Le Comptoir du Hardware

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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