Square Enix reveals Thief requirements

Minimum HD 4800 or GTS 250

Square Enix has finally released both minimum and recommended PC specifications requirements for its upcoming Thief game, which are rather modest considering that we have seen some impressive details with earlier released screenshots and trailers.

According to Square Enix, the game requires Windows Vista with platform update, high-performance dual-core CPU or quad-core CPU, 4GB of RAM, AMD Radeon HD 4800 series or Nvidia Geforce GTS 250, DirectX 10 and 20GB of free HDD or SSD space. Of course, these are minimum system requirements and although they would run the game, it will most likely lack any eye-candy.

The recommended system requirements are a bit more serious and include Windows 7 or 8 OS, AMD FX-8000 series or Intel Core i7 quad-core CPU or better, 4+ GB of RAM, AMD Radeon HD/R9 series or Nvidia GTX 660 or better graphics card capable of handling DirectX 11.

Both AMD and Square Enix were quite keen to point out their cooperation in order to get full AMD Eyefinity, TrueAudio and Mantle API support. The Thief game is also a part of AMD's Never Settle Forever bundle program and included in both Radeon Gold and Radeon Silver tier rewards.

According to earlier announcements, Square Enix's Thief game should be released on February 25th.

Source: Eidosmontreal.com.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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