Leaked Windows 9 screenshot is fake

An old picture made by user

Recently leaked picture of the Windows 9 OS appears to be a fake and is simply an old user-made picture.

Recently there have been a lot of rumors regarding the next "yet to be named" Windows, which everyone is calling the Windows 9. While the recent leaked screenshot is definitely a fake and is actually an old user-made picture there have been some other rather interesting details regarding the Windows 9.

A couple of most interesting ones include the rumor that the new Windows 9 will be available in three versions, desktop, notebook and the the one made for tablets. The standard notebook and desktop version of the Windows 9 will completely move away from the Modern UI Start Menu and bring back some form of the classic desktop while the Modern UI will be reserved for tablets, convertibles and 2-in-1 systems.

The Windows 9, if Microsoft actually decides to call it like that, is expected in April 2015.

Source: Computebase.de.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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