TOX competition for Skype

Available as alpha version

These days security is a rather hot topic and especially when it comes to large software companies customers are losing more and more faith. This is actually a good opportunity for small companies to step into the game and this time a competitor against Skype could be arising.

TOX is basically the same like Skype, but the makers promise higher security than with Skype, which after all belongs to Microsoft since quite a while.

TOX is built upon an encrypted P2P service and not only the messages but also all users details are being encrypted. Similar to Skype you can send messages via TOX and also engage in video conversations, but with the difference of increased security.

These days an Alpha version of TOX is available and so far it sounds like a promising piece of software, which is definitely worth following. If you want to give it a shot, check out the link to TOX website below and maybe leave some feedback here on what your thought about the software are.

Source: TOX
via Le Comptoir du Hardware.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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