Google Nexus line is here to stay

Not being replaced by Android Silver

There have been a lot of speculation and rumors regarding Google's Nexus lineup but according to Dave Burke, head of Android engineering and the Nexus program at Google, the Nexus lineup is definitely here to stay.

While speaking for the ReadWrite, Dave Burke noted that there have been a lot of talk regarding the Nexus lineup and while there might be something else coming it does not mean that Nexus line is going away. He added that this is "the totally wrong conclusion to make".

When asked about Android Silver, Burke noted that this is something that Google is not commenting on right now and added that the prospect of Silver does not mean that Nexus is going away.

While EOL of the Nexus lineup was just a rumor, it certainly drew a lot of attention and raised a lot of questions suggesting that Google would shift its focus to more premium market but apparently and luckily, it is here to stay. The announced Android L OS will be released later this year and this is probably when we will actually see a new Nexus device or even multiple Nexus devices.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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