AMD Mantle API coming to Linux as well

In near future

Just a few weeks from his return to AMD, Richard Huddy has hinted that we might soon see AMD Mantle API on Linux as well, according to his interview with PC World.

According to Huddy, AMD got a decent amount of requests to get Mantle API to Linux and that, over time, AMD plans to dedicate resources to the task. The whole talk is, of course, focused on Valve's Steam OS push, which AMD probably will not miss.

During Games Developers Conference, AMD already talked to some developers regarding bringing the Mantle API to Linux but at that time it did not release any more details. Unfortunately, even the new interview did not shed any light on the precise time-frame for the Mantle API port to Linux.

Recent rumors regarding Microsoft's DirectX 12 API suggest that it will be quite similar to Mantle API, which suggest that AMD could get more focused on Linux.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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AMD Mantle API coming to Linux as well - AMD - News - ocaholic