Nvidia GTX 880 and 870 coming in October

28 nm Maxwell architecture

Sweclockers.com released a first batch of informations about the GTX 800 Series of Nvidia graphics card. It looks like we might expect the GTX 880 and the GTX 870 to be released sometime between October and December.
The new GTX 800 Series will be based on the new generation Maxwell architecture, but dispite what we might have hoped, it will still be produced at 28nm. The 20nm production, by TMSC, started a few weeks ago, but it's experiencing some problems when it comes to high ASICs, like you would expect on the new GM204 chip that should replace the GK104. Nevertheless, we expect to see these first 20nm chip during 2015.

Right now, the production is complitely focused on the GM200 series of GPUs, while the GM100 series has been cancelled.

Source: Wccftech.com

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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