ASUS H97, H87, B85 and H81 motherboards allow overclocking

On Haswell, Haswell Refresh and Pentium AE

Today Asus announced that H97, H87, B85 and H81 Series of motherboard are compatible with the overclocking feature available on both Haswell and Haswell Refresh CPU, and on the new Pentium G3258 Anniversary Edition.
Overclocking is usually limited to the “Z” chipset, which is featured on high quality motherboards with high-end components and so on. Asus revelead that, once you insert your CPU inside the socket, if it has overclocking potential, the motherboard will automatically detect it and set the UEFI BIOS accordingly.

Asus can't guarantee that you will be able to overclock you Haswell/Pentium CPU in case that Intel releases a software or firmware update to disable this function, but right now there's no rumor about that.

If you want the thrill of overclock, but you don't want to empty your pockets, the combination between the Pentium G3258 and a non-Z motherboard could be the best choice, offering great performances at low price.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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ASUS H97, H87, B85 and H81 motherboards allow overclocking - ASUS - News - ocaholic