La Maximus VI Gene è praticamente la versione rimpicciolita della Maximus VI Extreme. Negli ultimi anni la serie Gene ha attirato molta utenza, sia per le doti in ambito overclock sia per la dimensione della scheda madre. Dal momento che questo sito non tratta esclusivamente overclock, abbiamo scattato alcune foto della Gene per voi.
UpdateToday we've had a closer looks at ASUS' brand new Maximus VI Gene motherboard, which is based on Intels latest Z87 chipset. On the following pages you'll find what we think about the little fellow from a layout, design and feature perspective.
152 BIOS Pics UpdateWe've just uploaded no less then 152 screenshots from the Maximus VI Gene's BIOS, which we certainly don't want to hide from you guys.
ASUS Maximus VI Gene ReviewAfter uploading and presenting more than 150 BIOS screenshots on this board, earlier today, we now have our 25 page long review ready for you guy. We hope you enjoy it.