Neuer CFO bei OCZ

OCZ hat bekannt gegeben, dass man mit Rafael Torres einen neuen Chief Financial Officer (CFO) einstellt, der direkt dem neuen Chief Executive Officer Ralph Schmitt unterstellt ist. Torres ist 45 Jahre alt und arbeitet bereits seit mehr als 15 Jahren für OCZ und verfügt dementsprechend über einen reichhaltigen Erfahrungsschatz.

Torres übernimmt das Amt von Arthur Knapp, der sich mit seinen 64 Jahren pensionieren lässt und in Rente geht. Bevor Torres zu OCZ stiess, arbeitete er als CFO und Vice President of Finance für Capella Photonics, wo er erfolgreich neues Kapital brachte und die Finanzinfrastruktur für ein schnell wachsendes Start-Up schaffte.

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"We are very excited that Rafael has joined our team as CFO and believe that his proven track record in all aspects of financial management will provide immediate benefits to our Company," said Ralph Schmitt, CEO for OCZ Technology. "We also would like to take this opportunity to thank Art Knapp for his nine years of service to OCZ as CFO and wish him the very best in his retirement. Art helped build OCZ to be a leading provider of solid-state storage and power management solutions, and will continue to assist us as we complete our restatement. He played a critical role in first identifying and then rectifying the problems surrounding our recent financial reporting."
"I enjoyed being involved with a very talented team who built a multi hundred million dollar SSD business basically from scratch," stated Art Knapp, Retiring CFO for OCZ Technology. "While we uncovered some issues in recent times, with achievements such as the recent financing, I feel that we have made significant progress to put the Company back on the right path. Rafael will inherit a good business, with clean financials, to use as a base to build a profitable business."

Quelle: OCZ

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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