Valve virtual reality headset pictured

During the Boston Virtual Reality event

During the Boston Virtual Reality event, Jonomf, a Reddit user, had the occasion to test out a prototype of Valve virtual reality headset, and shoot some pictures of it. After a few tests, Jonomf posted his impressions on Reddit.

This headset looks a lot like other solutions we already know. On the external cover, there a lot of white dots that reflect infrared beams, to allow the camera to read the motion and react consequently, in a very precise way. The final version will feature two screens with a total resolution of 2160x1280, while this prototype only had half of it.

After testing out all the available demos, Jomof noted that as far as persistence, immersion, flow management and framerate (95FPS) are concerned, he have never tried anything better than this. He noted that he never experienced any kind of sickness while using the headset, but he felt dizzy everytime he removed it.

Valve followed the Oculus Rift project since the beginning of it, but they stopped talking about it after the recent Facebook acquisition. This prototype is really advanced, but it looks like Valve is not interested on putting it on the market, since they are developing it with the sole purpose of improving this kind of technology compatibility into their games. It does not sound right as it is hard to believe that Gabe's company would not be interested in selling this kind of product, since they already started to differentiate their portfolio with the Steam Controller project.

Source: Reddit via Le Comptoir du Hardware.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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