Qualcomm snatches Palm, iPaq and Bitfone patents

Thousands of patents

Qualcomm has announced that it has bought HP's Palm, iPaq and Bitfone portfolio of patents which should, according to Qualcomm, further enhance strength and diversity of Qualcomm's patented mobile technologies.

According to released information, the portfolio includes around 1,400 patents and patent pending applications in the US as well as around 1,000 patents from other countries, including the UK, China, Germany, Japan and South Korea. Although no details have been released regarding the actual price which Qualcomm had to pay, we do know that Qualcomm is quite big in patents and a big part of its revenue comes directly from patents.

HP is definitely pulling out as those patents are practically all that was left of Palm, after HP sold webOS to LG. According to Qualcomm, the acquisition further enhances the strength and diversity of Qualcomm Incorporated’s industry-leading mobile patent portfolio and will enable the company to offer even more value to current and future licensees.

Source: Qualcomm.com.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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