Geforce GTX 750 Ti Maxwell performance revealed

Slower than the Geforce GTX 660

Previously rumored for February launch, the GTX 750 Ti is allegedly the first graphics cards that will be based on Nvidia's new Maxwell GPU but it appears that the Kepler GK106 based GTX 660 still ends up 10 to 15 percent faster than the new GTX 750 Ti. The first performance numbers come from and include a bunch of results from 3DMark, Unigine Valley benchmark and Final Fantasy XIV game.

Although you should take these results with a grain of salt as these are most likely based on early drivers, they still give a general idea about the performance of the upcoming GTX 750 Ti. Although it was previously believed that the GTX 750 Ti will fit between the GTX 660 and the GTX 760, according to these early benchmarks, it is quite likely that it will be positioned one step down, between the GTX 650 Ti Boost and the GTX 660. According to benchmark results, it ends up anywhere between 10 to 15 percent slower than the GTX 660.

The GTX 750 Ti is a quite important graphics card for Nvidia as it will be based on a new Maxwell GPU and should show what to expect from the chip and upcoming high-end graphics cards based on the same chip.

Source:, via

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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