Neue Physik-Engine von Havok

Havok hat verlauten lassen, dass man seine Havok Physics Engine überarbeitet hat und für die kommende Konsolen-Generation vorbereitet hat. Dabei soll es sich um das Resultat von fünf Jahren interner Forschung und Entwicklung handeln.

Dieser Release zielt auf die Konsolen der nächsten Generation. Unterstützt werden aber selbstverständlich auch PC-Architekturen und selbst Mobile-Plattformen sollen von der neuen Havok Physik-Engine profitieren. Zum ersten Mal zeigen will Havok die neue Physics Engine anlässlich der Game Developer Conference, die später in diesem Monat stattfinden wird.

This release of Havok Physics marks the third major iteration of our physics technology since the company was founded 15 years ago. Although Havok Physics is widely recognized as the industry’s leading physics solution, our R&D team is constantly striving to innovate and push the technology further,” said Andrew Bond, Vice President of Technology for Havok. “The result is a new engine core built around fully continuous simulation that enables maximum physical fidelity with unprecedented performance speeds. Beta versions of the technology have been in the hands of a number of leading developers for some time and we have seen dramatic performance gains with simulations running twice as fast or more, and using up to 10 times less memory. Additionally the new core’s performance is extremely predictable, eliminating performance spikes. We are genuinely excited to see how game designers will harness the additional power that we are offering with this release.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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