Asetek hat gegen Cooler Master eine Klage eingereicht wegen Patentrechtsverletzung. Diese Klage wird wohl interessante Auswirkungen auf das Geschäft mit Flüssigkeitskühlern haben. Asetek's Klage basiert auf einem Patent, das im Juni 2010 eingereicht wurde und vom USPTO am 14. August gutgeheissen wurde.
Dem Timing der Klage nach zu urteilen, scheinen der Klage keine Gespräche bezüglich Lizenz-Kosten vorangegangen zu sein. Beim angesprochenen Patent handelt es sich um eine Schutzschrift, die sozusagen aktuelle Mainstream Wasserkühler für Prozessoren abdeckt und auf 15 individuellen Punkten aufsetzt:
an integrated element including a heat exchanging interfacea reservoira pump, wherein the reservoir is configured to receive a cooling liquid from outside the reservoir through an inlet and pass the cooling liquid to the outside through an outletthe reservoir including an upper chamber and a lower chamberthe upper chamber and the lower chamber being vertically displaced chambers that are separated from each other by at least a horizontal wall and fluidly coupled together by a plurality of substantially circular passagesat least one of the plurality of substantially circular passages being positioned on the horizontal walla boundary wall of the lower chamber being formed by the heat exchanging interfacethe heat exchanging interface is adapted to provide separable thermal contact between the processing unit and the cooling liquid such that heat is dissipated from the processing unit to the cooling liquid as the cooling liquid passes through the lower chamber of the reservoirthe pump is adapted to direct the cooling liquid through the upper chamber and the lower chamber of the reservoirthe pump including a motor having a rotor, a stator and an impeller having a plurality of curved bladesthe impeller being positioned within the reservoira heat radiator spaced apart from the integrated elementthe heat radiator being fluidly coupled to the outlet and the inlet of the reservoirthe heat radiator being configured to circulate the cooling liquid therethrough and exhaust heat from the cooling liquida fan configured to direct air through the heat radiator, the fan being driven by a motor separate from the motor of the pump.Asetek hat die Klage bis dato noch nicht kommentiert.