ATI Stream SDK v2.2 released

AMD announced the availability of the ATI Stream Software Development Kit (SDK) v2.2 with full OpenCL 1.1 support. By taking advantage of both CPU and GPU processing power in a given system, applications like 3D video, HD video chat and multi-display 3D gaming are possible.

ATI Stream SDK v2.2 delivers expanded support for operating systems, compilers, hardware and the latest industry standards, further streamlining application development and acceleration. New features include:

  • Support for the OpenCL 1.1 specification, ratified in June 2010, providing developers with the ability to take full advantage of the new features OpenCL 1.1 brings
  • Extended operating system support, including Ubuntu 10.04, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.5
  • Increased hardware support including x86 CPUs with SSE2.x or later, allowing users to run OpenCL applications on a greater variety of CPUs
  • Additional support for Linux and Windows compilers, including GNU Compiler Collection 4.1 or later, Microsoft Visual Studio (MSVS) 2010 Professional Edition and Minimalist GNU (GCC 4.4) for Windows (MinGW)
  • Single-channel format support for OpenCL images, providing developers with greater flexibility to access the caches on the GPU
  • Support for OpenCL and DirectX 10 interoperability increasing overall efficiency when displaying computed results to the user
  • Support for additional double-precision floating point routines in OpenCL kernels to enable greater computational accuracy in HPC and scientific based applications.

The following link leads you to the download of the ATI Stream SDK v2.2.

Source: AMD


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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