Couple of Nvidia Tegra K1 benchmarks revealed

Impressive graphics performance

Today we have what appears to be the first detailed benchmark results of Nvidia's upcoming Tegra K1 SoC and we must say that these look quite impressive, at least from the gaming side.

The tested Tegra K1 SoC was a part of Xiaomi Mi Pad device so these could be considered as a real world scenario, at least when it comes to tablets. Of course, Nvidia's upcoming Shield 2 hand-held console might even have higher performance due to different form-factor and probably higher clocks.

The detailed benchmarks, coming from, show that Tegra K1 is quite an impressive little chipset, at least when it comes to graphics side of the test and its GPU ends up over 50 percent faster than Adreno 330 in 3DMark graphics benchmark. The CPU part of the Tegra K1 is a bit less impressive but it still managed to get a solid 40,111 points in AnTuTu benchmark which is pretty higher than all competing tablets.

In any case, Tegra K1 SoC looks like a real mobile beast and hopefully we will be able to see it out retail/e-tail shelves in many mobile devices, including Nvidia's rumored new Shield 2 hand-held console.

Source:, via

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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Couple of Nvidia Tegra K1 benchmarks revealed - NVIDIA - News - ocaholic