How to modify your face through your webcam

Thanks to FaceRig solution

When you think about facial recognition, you inevitably think about espionage, and being detected by your facial traits in a few seconds passing by a camera or a similar device. But this technology can be used in a lot of ways, and some applications are even fun to use.

FaceRig is a company specialized in facial recognition technology, and they created an app which is able to detect the user's face through a webcam or a smartphone, and to modify it in a lot of different ways. You'll be able to transform into animals, demons, aliens.. you can easily become an octopus, like it's shown in the trailer you can watch below the news. There's a young lady who transformed into the Octotad videogame's main characted.

We went a long way since the first attempts made by Logitech in this field. Besides the face and the mouth, the app can detect eyes, emotions, mouth expressions which will be send to a 3D model. The demonstrative video is quite interesting, and it will tell you everything you need to know about this keen app.

FaceRig is still working on it, and while the face can be changed complitely, they want to extend the technology to the whole body. This might open new interesting scenarios when it comes to gaming. We will wait and see what happens!

Source: FaceRig
via Le Comptoir du Hardware.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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