OCZ Vector 256 GB Endurance Test - How many TBW?

Our endurance test on OCZ's Vector drive with 256 GB capacity seemed to turn into a never ending story, since the drive was running for way longer than expected. But meanwhile it has happened, the drive now refuses to work we guess we're all curious how many Terabytes have been written in the end.

We have been thinking that this is a great occasion to start a little guessing game, where you guys will be able to win one of the latest OCZ drives. Next week we will be launching a little competition where you guys can make educated guesses on how many Terabyte we've been able to write on the Vector 256 GB we received from OCZ for testing. So, stay tuned, do your homework and maybe you'll be the lucky winner!

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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OCZ Vector 256 GB Endurance Test - How many TBW? - OCZ - News - ocaholic