Oculus VR acquires Carbon Design

The company that developed the Xbox 360 controller

Oculus VR announced that they have acquired Carbon Design and the whole developing team along with the company. The latter is famous because, a few years ago, it has developed the Xbox 360 controller for Microsoft.

Oculus VR announced the Carbon Design acquisition through their official blog, and they are aiming to speed up the Rift developing process. Carbon Design will keep its name even if it has been acquired by Oculus VR, which is under Facebook itself.

Probably a lot of you have never heard of Carbon Design before, but the chances are high that you held their most famous product in your hands at least once in your life. They worked for Microsoft on developing the Xbox 360 gamepad and steering wheel, alongside the Kinect and Windows Home Server. Besides these Microsoft products, they patented a great number of mice, keyboards, touch modules and automation objects and the list is pretty long.

It is still unclear what will be the job of Carbon Design. Will they create a gamepad for Rift, improved the motion capture or will they just bring a new point of view to the company. We have no way to know that right now, but one thing is certain, since Facebook acquired them, Oculus is not holding back, and it is getting what it needs to create the best Rift possible.

Source: Polygon via Le Comptoir du Hardware.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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