AMD announces plans to increase APU efficiency

The new 25 x 20 plan from AMD

AMD has announced its new plan which has a sole purpose on improving the energy efficiency of its APUs. Called the 25x20, the plan has a goal to increase APU energy efficiency 25 times by the year 2020. Detailed by AMD's CTO, Mark Papermaster at China International Software and Service Fair conference, the plan has three-pronged approach for efficiency improvements.

According to AMD, the first approach to improved efficiency for the APUs can be gained via development of the Heterogeneous Systems Architecture which can help the system take better advantage of computing resources, thus lowering power consumption. The second is a more "fine-grained" active power management which allows the APU to monitor the types of tasks it is currently running and adjust its voltage and clock speed accordingly. Third approach are the hardware-level innovations which should further reduce power consumption, including "inter-frame power gating, per-part adaptive voltage, voltage islands and further integration of system components."

The improvements will not happen over night and AMD hopes to increase the energy efficiency by 70 percent between 2014 and 2020. While the power efficiency tracks with Moore's Law, AMD claims that it can outpace it in that period, thanks to these new implementations.

While we certainly hope that AMD can achieve such high energy efficiency results by 2020, we have to note that these might sound a bit too optimistic.


News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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