Firefox 30 available

A lot of fixes come with it

Version 29 of Firefox has been released for more than a month now, and thanks to the new Australis interface, a few annoying bugs have been fixed, to make it easier for developers to work.

The Firefox community didn't appreciate the new Australis interface, and they already marked Version 29 as “slow”, and we can't say they're wrong. We hope Version 30 will solve all those problems.

This update should bring a lot of changes on security matters inside the code, and an optimized flash resources management, to make Firefox faster. A lot of improvements have been implemented to help developers on their work, since the new interface created a lot of incompatibilities, while they implemented Gstreamer 1.0 (framework multimedia library).

The final user will certanly notice a few graphics changes, to make it easier to manage different tabs, browsing history and social networks. The new Firefox 30 is available since yesterday on their official website.

Source: Mozilla Firefox
via Le Comptoir du Hardware.

News by Luca Rocchi and Marc Büchel - German Translation by Paul Görnhardt - Italian Translation by Francesco Daghini

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