Review: Crucial Ballistix Tactical 2x4GB DDR3-1600MHz CL8

Published by Sam on 16.08.12
« 1 2 3 4 (5)


Based on the information provided by Geizhals, offers for 8GB sets of DDR3-1600 Tactical range from 46 Euros excluding shipping. By looking around we see that none of competition can offer same or better specifications for this sort of money, but throwing a couple of coins into your budget can get you a model from a different league, so purchase of these Ballistix is hanging on a knife edge when it comes to rationality.

Overall, DDR3-1600 version of Ballistix Tacticals is not a bad product, but it’s not perfect either. Neither of its plus points – the pricing and the ability to run 2133, is achieved with a convincing amount of headroom meaning that any slight change to your luck or competitors’ pricing will render them useless.


The Crucial Ballistix Tactical BLT2CP4G3D1608DT1TX0CEU kit receives the good rating of 3.5 out of five stars.

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