Preview / Delivery
As soon as you've take the Matrix out of the box you recognize the huge customized cooler. Therefore Asus uses a dual-slot design with an axial fan measuring 75 mm in diameter. On it's backside the Matrix has an anondized aluminium plate to better spread the heat generated. Unfortunately you see ever particle or finger print on the cards polished parts.
Possibly because of the completely overworked power design the card is equipped with a six- and an eight pin power connector. On the backside you'll even find a huge 1000 uF capacitor built by Fujitsu which also should guarantee a better power supply.
Looking at conenctors the Matrix is equipped with two dual link DVI and a S-Video out. You also get lots of different adaptors such as DVI-to-HDMI, DVI-to-D-Sub as well as S-Video-to-YUV. Furthermore there also is a button where "Safe Mode" is written on. Pressing this button causes the card to reset all setting previously done to standard.
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