Fallout 3

Published by Sam on 26.12.08
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The game starts with the birth of a player. First of all he sees his father and afterwards you can quickly choose the character you want to play before the proper game starts. One wakes up in a room as a baby where your father speaks with you. At this point the picture blurs and you'll find yourself years later at a birthday party.

Meanwhile you got a bunch of enemies who hassle and tyrannize yourself. But everything else seems to be okay. You have a proud father who looks after you and you enjoy a carefree life. Only a short time later you wake up again and a girl wakes you up. She tells you that your father escaped and you'll have to find him because otherwise the people in the vault would be after you.

Ab diesem Zeitpunkt kann der Spieler das Spiel nach dem eigenen Gusto gestalten. In der riesigen Welt von Fallout 3 kann man effektiv tun und lassen was man möchte. Ob man seinen Vater sucht oder einfach etwas durch die Gegend wandelt, spielt überhaupt keine Rolle, denn schliesslich gibt es keinen festgelegten Ablauf, wie man das Spiel zu gestalten hat.[/de]From now on the player can decide himself what he wants to do or not. If you just to enjoy the ingame reality and have a little walk around you can do so but you can also go and look for your father. It really doesn't matter because the games plots lets you a lot of freedom.

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