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From cases to cooling, NZXT has something for everyone - and for every budget. With this review, we're taking a look at the company's Switch 810 full-tower chassis, designed for those who want solid design, big space, effective cooling, and can appreciate other smaller features not often seen on the competition's products.
Over the past 3 years NZXT have created some very impressive products for the PC enthusiast market. The company started out with chassis designs and have expanded to include coolers and other peripherals such as fan controllers.
Today we are going to look at the Switch 810 which they refer to as a ‘hybrid chassis’ based on some of their new design implementations.
Will NZXT's first chassis from their all-new 'Switch' line-up prove a huge success with its XL-ATX motherboard support and extreme cooling potential?
We have seen so many full tower cases. This is to accommodate the larger XL-ATX motherboards that we have been seeing lately and just to have the extra room for large liquid cooling setups. One of the most impressive cases we saw this year at CES was the Switch 810 from NZXT. NZXT really took their time designing this case to give you so many different cooling options as well as adding features that are just not on other cases. The case comes equipped with four 140mm cooling fans, room for up to 7 hard drives, support for XL-ATX motherboards, USB 3.0 support and much more. So let’s just jump right in and take a look.
While a product's success is ultimately determined by the product itself, it all starts off with one thing: The name. As I have discussed in my Kingston DataTraveler HyperX 3.0 64GB review last year, what a product is called already leaves a strong first impression. Being a person in electrical engineering living in the province of Alberta, the word "switch" can really be quite meaningful at this time of the year. For one thing, we are having an election in a few days, and unless something significant happens between now and April 23rd, the Wildrose Party is expected to unseat the Progressive Conservatives -- effectively eliminating its massive forty-one year reign in this province -- forming a new government. Secondly, with final exams rolling up the semester this week (Yes, I really should be studying right now), it is important to keep in mind that, at least for the digital electronics circuit class, transistors are essentially switches on a conceptual level. So whether we are thinking about switching out the government or using what are basically switches to crunch some ones and zeros, where does the NZXT Switch 810 fall into place? Is the not-so-hidden-message of "switch to this chassis to house all your expensive combinations of billions of switches" the right thing to do? Read on to find out!
NZXT has brought an interesting chassis to the market. The Switch 810 brings a plethora of unique features to the table, including adjustable top slats for airflow and noise reduction, room for a liquid cooled system and corresponding multiple radiators, and a first – LEDs on the backside. Combining all this with an exquisitely simple and modern build and attractive exterior finish, the Switch has great potential to be one of the finest chassis’ in its class.
Today NZXT is releasing a new full-tower case, the Switch 810. Lets take a look at this huge case that comes with nine expansion slots and several other features.
Today the Switch 810 launches and we have one of the first samples on our test bench. We will be taking a look at the case in detail but in addition to that will build a system around their Havik coolers and Hale82 PSU to see how the products perform together.
Seit ihrem ersten Auftritt im Jahre 2004 hat NZXT immer wieder für gelegentlich auch kontroverse Debatten gesorgt, wenn es darum ging, das jeweilige Gehäuse Design zu bewerten. Die Taiwanesen präsentierten gerne ausgefallene Eye-catcher, die sich zwar wohltuend vom festgefahrenen Gehäuse Einerlei abhoben, aber eben auch polarisierten. Dies hat sich zuletzt ein wenig beruhigt und spätestens nach dem sehr erfolgreichen Phantom Gehäuse Debüt weiß jeder interessierte Leser, das NZXT einiges mehr auf dem Reissbrett hat als aberwitzige Meshboliden. Eines sollten die Hersteller keinesfalls unterschätzen, trotz der Reizüberflutung durch das Überangebot an Gehäusen, weiß der Kunde sehr genau was er will und wenn er dieses oder jenes Feature nicht antrifft, kommt das jeweilige Gehäuse eben nicht in die Einkaufsverlosung.
Mit dem neuen Switch 810 Big Tower will NZXT ein sehr gut ausgestattes und trotzdem bezahlbares Gehäuse mit viel Platz für alle erdenklichen Komponenten bieten. Das Ganze soll sich insbeondere über durchdachte Features und einer nicht zu aufdringlichen Optik definieren, so daß sich möglichst viele Kunden angesprochen fühlen sollen, die darüber hinaus auch sehr viel Wert auf eine adäquate Kühlung, hohe Statik und Stabilität legen. Ob NZXT dieser nicht unkomplizierte Spagat gelungen ist, klären wir im nun folgenden Praxis-Review, zu dem ihr wieder herzlich eingeladen seid, wir wünschen euch viel Spaß beim Lesen...
The Source series gets serious as it moves away from a budget chassis, and into this feature-rich Source 530 that NZXT has us looking at today.
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