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Inzwischen gibt es auf dem Markt einige Mini-ITX Gehäuse und auch das ein oder andere Mainboard, mit dem sich auch leistungsfähigere System aufbauen lassen. Drei Faktoren limitieren hier meistens den Ausbau: die Höhe für den CPU-Kühler, das Netzteil und der Platz für die Grafikkarte. Zwei davon sollten mit dem Gehäuse MX31 von Codegen kein Problem sein und beim dritten Faktor hilft eventuell ein Kompromiss.
Dass Cougar recht passable Netzteile baut, ist uns bereits aus diversen Tests bekannt. Die orange Farbgestaltung macht die Produkte so markant und zieht momentan überall die Aufmerksamkeit auf sich. Doch Compucase/Cougar ist genauso als Hersteller von Gehäusen bekannt. Daher haben wir heute den Midi-Tower 6XR9 in unserem Testlabor, um diesen detailliert beurteilen zu können.
Ah yes, the good old chassis, ever evolving despite following a standard that was ratified back in 1995 and nothing much has really changed with regards to the base specs. That said, many a case manufacturer has come up with its own twists on the standard and SilverStone is one of the best when it comes to making the most out of a chassis.
Gehäuse sollten in der heutigen Zeit mehr können, als nur Hardware zu verstauen. Cooler Master hat sich mit dem 690 Advanced II dieser Sache angenommen und ein neues Gehäuse ins Rennen geschickt. Grund genug sich den Miditower einmal etwas genauer anzuschauen. Platzangebot, Design und Funktionatität sind nur einige Features die das Cooler Master Gegäuse zu bieten hat. Was der neue Cooler Master 690 Advanced II sonst noch so alles bietet und wie er sich im Test geschlagen hat, erfahrt Ihr im folgenden Bericht. Viel Spaß beim Lesen...
Das Cooler Master 690 II möchte es mit dem bekannten Vorgänger aufnehmen und an dessen Erfolge anknüpfen. In unserem heutigen Test werden wir diesen Midi-Tower auf Herz und Nieren prüfen. Gemessen am Preis liegt das Ausstattungsniveau sehr hoch. Ob diese Theorie durch den praktischen Test unterstrichen werden kann, gilt es herauszufinden.
One of the things the 690 II Advanced has going for it is a lot of versatility. With support for mounting radiators in the top or bottom, SSD mount and an external hard drive dock the 690 II Advanced is ready for almost anything you throw at it. Cooling performance is good with the 3 stock fans and with support for up to a total of 10 you can tailor it to the level you want. Styling might be suggestive but I find the 690 II Advanced to be a great looking case and the black interior brings it all together.
Cooler Master have released the 690 II Advanced black and white edition and we take a look to see how stylish it really is.
Cooler Master is at it again, this time they are launching a successor to the very successful CM 690 case. Today we will be looking at the CM 690 II. This is pronounced like, "six ninety-two". There are two models of the CM 690-II the regular and the advanced model. We will be reviewing the advanced model.
Here is a little confession I would like to make before I begin this review for the Cooler Master 690 II Advanced NVIDIA Edition ATX computer case today: The computer I use it with does not have an NVIDIA video card, an NVIDIA chipset, or any NVIDIA components, for that matter. In fact, my Asus P7P55D-E Premium has an Intel P55 chipset, and my graphics card happens to be -- you guessed it -- an AMD chipset based, factory overclocked Gigabyte Radeon 6850 1GB. This means the only NVIDIA related thing I have is the big NVIDIA logo Cooler Master slapped on the front panel of the 690 II Advanced chassis in lieu of the Cooler Master logo with the regular version of this case. So why an NVIDIA special edition case? If you remember my Thermaltake Armor A90 review back in July of 2010, I have pretty specific preferences and requirements in this area. The regular Cooler Master 690 II Advanced with the optional transparent side panel comes close to what I want, but I don't like the side fan opening on it. Therefore, when I first read about the Cooler Master 690 II Advanced NVIDIA Edition from the company's press release, I thought about it. It does not have a side fan opening, but now it comes with a rather unique transparent side panel -- and a lot of green. Half of you out there are probably thinking I have gone nuts and wondering why in the world I would pick up something so, well, frankly, ugly. But I trusted my instincts and guessed it probably appears better in real life execution than it does in photos. So how did it turn out? Read on to find out!
Cari lettori di Xtremehardware, oggi vi presentiamo la recensione del nuovissimo case Mid Tower in casa Cooler Master, la terza revisione di una fortunatissima serie. Stiamo parlando del CM 690 III! Il predecessore è stato un must buy per molte ragioni, ed una versione che ha avuto quindi un forte successo commerciale. Cooler Master è sempre stata molto attenta a rilasciare prodotti fortemente competitivi nelle fasce di prezzo, ed in questo caso ve ne darà l’ennesima dimostrazione. La recensione, oltre ad essere scritta, sarà corredata da un video dimostrativo e dalla solita, nostra, analisi termica. Il nostro nuovo format è impegnativo sotto il punto di vista editoriale, però siamo certi che questo sforzo teso al miglioramento dei contenuti possa esservi sia d’aiuto, sia gradito. Buona lettura.
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