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So what are you supposed to do when the phone rings and your best mates are on the other end with a stack of your old favorite games? Well, you can lug your full tower everywhere you go, or you can start to think portability. There are a couple of things that come to mind when I think portability in chassis design. First, you have to have a way to easily move or carry said chassis, and the second is having the room inside this smaller chassis to build what I like to refer to as a sleeper. That is when you take a chassis and pack quite a bit of PC horsepower into a completely unassuming space, and it sort of surprises others as you peel open the side and show off your goods to your friends.
das PC-Q08 ist eines der neuen Mini-ITX-Gehäuse die Lain Li dieses Jahr auf den Markt gebracht hat. PC Games Hardware überprüft ob der Lückenschluss zwischen dem erfolgreichen PC-Q07 und dem ebenfalls neuen PC-V352 klappt.
Der µATX-Standard erfreut sich in den letzten Monaten zunehmender Beliebtheit. Sieht
man von einigen Steckplätzen einmal ab, muss hier eigentlich auf nichts verzichtet
werden, schade ist nur, dass der Markt noch mit entsprechend kompakten Gehäusen geizt.
Welchen Nutzen hat der User von einem kompakten Mainboard, wenn er es nach dem Kauf
mangels brauchbarer Alternativen in einen Midi-Tower stecken muss?
Antec has produced another fine product as seen here at Overclockers Online, and this time it is targeted at budget gamers. Their slogan "Small Guns, Small Funds" goes a long way here, as the chassis can be purchased from Canadian Retails for roughly $50, and performance value is hard to beat at that price point.
Looking for a less flash case that is still stylish, functional, and fits in your desk? Need a sensible sized case to contain that power thirsty gaming rig? Then NZXT's VULCAN mid-size tower case is designed for you! From NZXT's crafted series comes the VULCAN, a micro-ATX motherboard case featuring enough space for 2 ATI 5970 graphics cards, 2 CD/DVD drives, up to 4 Hard drives, and up to 5 cooling fans. These features in a mid-tower case will please any computer builder looking for a small case to contain a big system.
Believe it or not, people still like to read. Some even like to read by the water. For these people M-Edge has their Guardian case for keeping your Kindle 2 dry. So is this case your next must have Kindle accessory? Read on to find out.
Fractal Design ist in Deutschland nach wie vor ein eher unbekannter Hersteller. Zu Unrecht, wie wir finden, hat man doch mit dem Define R2 bereits deutlich mehr als nur einen Achtungserfolg vorzuweisen. Heute sehen wir uns einen weiteren Vertreter aus der schwedischen Schmiede an, dabei handelt es sich um das Array R2. Dieses kompakte Gehäuse ist, wie der Name schon vermuten lässt, als Speicherlösung vorgesehen. Wie es um Materialqualität und Verarbeitung bestellt ist, werden wir auf den folgenden Seiten untersuchen.
Over the past few years NZXT have released 3 variations of their Sentry line of fan controllers. The first 2 models were front mounted inside a case which often meant cables everywhere. Today we have their first external fan controller the Sentry LXE in the KitGuru labs. The Sentry LXE is an external touch screen display that allows the control of up to 5 fans and 5 thermal probes using the touch screen display.
Das PC-A77F ist ein weiteres Highlight in der Produktlinie von Lian Li, welches unter anderem mit einem sehr herstellertypisch minimalistischen Design, sehr viel Platz, hochwertiger Verarbeitung und als Schmankerl mit USB-3.0-Unterstützung im Käufer wirbt. Wir werden sehen ob das Produkt seinem Preis gerecht wird.
Thermaltake is one of those companies that constantly pumps out fresh designs, if there is a hole in the market then Thermaltake will be there. The current market trend in gaming cases that I have observed lately is an extravagant exterior, a painted interior and a bottom mounted PSU. Thermaltake have Introduced the Armor A90 VL90001W2Z Mid Tower Case into the enthusiast segment priced competitively at $79.99 and if you do your shopping you can get a better deal still. Along with a great exterior design, a fully painted exterior and a bottom mounted PSU, the Thermaltake Armor A90 also gives you a place to mount your 2.5" SSD/HDD, tool free drive installation for three 5.25" drives and six 3.5" HDD's, a front door covering your optical drive bays, support for watercooling and an easily removable front panel with removable air intake filter. Benchmark reviews has the Armor A90 under the spotlight, to see whats good and whats not ple! ase read on...
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