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Like the Beta, the Panzerbox comes from NZXT's Classic Series, those chassis typically with a more conservative appearance than their Crafted product line. Also along the same lines as the Beta, the Panzerbox is advertised as a mid-tower case and comes painted black inside and out. But there is where the similarities end. The Panzerbox is constructed of aluminum rather than steel, and features a unique shortened size that nearly lends itself to being classified as a micro-tower design.
Die Kalifornier aus El Monte überraschen uns nun schon seit 2004 immer wieder mit ausgefallen Gehäusen. Sei es futuristisch gestylte Gamer Gehäuse, die nicht selten polarisieren, oder durch eigenwillige Designs, die völlig weg vom Mainstream konzipiert wurden. Das gilt insbesondere für die neueste Kreation: der Panzerbox.
NZXT gehört mittlerweile mit zu den bekanteren Gehäuseherstellern und hat schon das eine oder andere Case für Gamer auf den Markt gebracht. Auffällige Chassis gehören bei NZXT zur guten Note und so kommt auch die Panzerbox wieder daher. Breit, Schwarz und Stark kann man da nur sagen. Optisch ist die Panzerbox eher an Gamer gerichtet und gerade für Langänger durch die Leichtbauweise aus Aluminium interessant. Was das Gehäuse sonst noch so zu bieten hat und wie es sich im Test geschlagen hat, erfahrt Ihr im folgenden Bericht. Viel Spaß beim Lesen.
NZXT have become legends in the eyes of many PC gamers, their chassis designs are highly focused on gaming builds and often offer loads of innovative features, cool designs, great build quality and more, the only downside being that all this glorious quality comes at a price. With many of the best NZXT chassis costing in excess of £100, it can leave many of us feeling left out as not everyone is comfortable with spending that kind of cash on a PC case, which is why NZXT has created the Phantom 240.
Von NZXT gibt es viele Gehäuse, das wohl erfolgreichste Modell im Portfolio ist aber sicherlich der allseits beliebte Big-Tower Phantom. Da vielen Anwendern das erwähnte Modell schlicht zu groß ist, bringt der Hersteller nun einen Midi-Tower mit identischem Design auf den Markt, sein Name: Phantom 410.
Following on the heels of its very well received big brother, NZXT's Phantom 410 promises to offer everything we love about the full size Phantom in a smaller package. But will this reduction in size and price result in an improvement on an already great case, or lead to sacrifices in the 410's design?
NZXT has just released a mid-tower version of their Phantom case, the Phantom 410. Lets see if it is a good buy.
White became the new black back in 2010 and the NZXT Phantom full tower PC case was one of the key drivers of this popular movement. NZXT just released the mid-tower follow up, the Phantom 410, and sent us a sample to check out. Does this case live up to its big brother? Read on to find out if the NZXT Phantom 410 is the right case for you!
The Phantom 410 leads the charge by offering color combinations from Black, Red, Gun Metal, Pink and White. Several of these colors are only offered in limited edition runs allowing for even more variety in color and accent trims. Today we will be looking at a white Phantom 410 with blue accent coloring.
Let's be real honest here. In the realm in which I live, as a reviewer, there is a level of trust that develops as you work with companies over the years. As a guy that is in the position to recommend things to others, I take that aspect seriously. When I put my "seal of approval" on it, I mean it! I don't see any reason to waver in how to explain it, or any issues bringing failures to the forefront when said failures do pass through my hands, just ask Gelid why I haven't heard from them since I failed their GPU cooler. That is an extreme example of my approach with companies and their products. Getting back to my original point, when dealing with various manufactures, a report and a trust is built as you see they are making great strides to improve things, or on the flip side, those that don't show any initiative, I'd rather not bring that material to your attention.
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