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Das Schwedische Unternehmen Fractal Design bringt nun mit dem Define XL R2 einen Nachfolger der beliebten Define XL Serie. Wie die Qualität und Verarbeitung des XL-Gehäuses aussieht und wie sich die Hardware einbauen lässt, wollen wir nun hier in diesem Review zeigen.
Fractal Design ist vor allem durch schlichte und durchdesignte Gehäuse, Netzteile und Lüfter bekannt. Mit der zweiten Auflage des Define XL Black Pearl Big-Tower will Fractal Design an die Erfolge der letzten Generation anknüpfen bzw. präsentiert das Define R4 in einer XL-Version. Übernommen hat Fractal Design vom Vorgänger quasi das komplette, schlichte äußere Erscheinungsbild sowie die pure Größe. Der Innenaufbau hat sich deutlicher verändert - die Unterteilung des Inneren in zwei Bereiche ist einem gewöhnlichen Konzept von einem Kühlraum gewichen, dafür sind jetzt insgesamt neun Slotblenden für zusätzliche Steckkarten vorhanden. Wie sich die zweite Generation des Define XL Black Pearl gegen die Konkurrenz schlägt, klären wir im folgenden Testbericht.
Aujourd'hui, Fractal Design nous revient avec un nouveau boitier, nouveau boitier qui fait suite au Define XL premier du nom et qui passe maintenant en version R2. Un boitier qui ne manque pas de place, mais qui se veut avant tout dédié au silence et surtout plutôt accessible pour un format grand tour. A découvrir dans vos colonnes favorites.
It was shortly before attending CES that I first met with Elizabeth Castiglioni, Channel Marketing Manager of Fractal Design North America Inc and, from the outset, the company enthusiasm was obvious. We arranged to meet up at CES and, quite frankly, I was a bit taken aback by the experience. It seems that we had stumbled upon a company who valued the customer as much as the product; a company that had built a product from the ground up based solely on consumer input, suggestions and feedback. This was a company that had actually jumped into websites and forums to ask members exactly what they wanted in a computer chassis.
Long Live the Extra Large Full Tower PC Case?" My last review at Benchmark Reviews left off praising the shrink factor of technology and the maturation of micro cases (Silverstone PS07b micro case). At the same time, Benchmark Reviews has been busy reviewing monster sized cases. One conclusion that can be derived from the size and options of PC cases is that the PC case is not nearly as dead as some surmise, be they large or small. Otherwise, we'd be getting less variety and more generic offerings, along with fewer manufacturers. So, let's get going and see how the Fractal Design Define XL Silent PC Full Tower Chassis measures up to a market awash in full tower cases.
I arrived at home like normal the other day. After a long day of doing more than humanly possible, I put my bags down, sat down in my (Now relatively flat-cushioned) mesh back computer chair, and turned on my computer. After going through my usual routine of replying to emails and other messages I have missed during my short 30-minutes-made-20 commute -- where time is inversely proportional to speed, let's just leave it at that -- I got out of my chair and began to change in my walk-in closet. I glanced at the nice little wire rack I leave my technology equipment on. You know, charging station for my laptop and cell phone, you get the idea. One of the shelves on the wire rack is probably a geek dream to many. Inside it is a box that contains the G.SKILL Ripjaws-X F3-17000CL9D-8GBXLD DDR3 RAM I have reviewed last week, as well as two unopened boxes containing one ASUS P8P67 Pro and one ASUS P8H67-I motherboard, respectively. Next to it is my Canon EOS 60D dSLR body with the usual expensive flash and lens attached. At that moment, I realized I haven't even touched any of this stuff for an entire week. If you are in the field of engineering, you will know what I am talking about. You have all the nice stuff, you know everything about it, but you just don't have the time to play with your toys. That said, it probably won't come as a surprise to you my home network is really like no other. In addition to running a QNAP TS-559 Pro+ network attached storage system with multiple hard drives running in RAID, I also have a custom built server on the side running Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard. Why? Well, just because I can, haha. Lately, I decided I could use a little more processing power. Conveniently, I got a lot of last generation Intel processors lying around. Scooping up all the components together, all I am missing is a nice chassis to put all the parts in. I wanted something big, roomy, high quality, has decent cooling capabilities, low maintenance with regards to dust, and good looking; despite the fact no one is going to be looking at it. Then I came across the Fractal Design Define XL. Pretty much the XL version -- pun intended -- of the company's renowned R3 chassis, how well does this Extended ATX case stack up in real life? Read on to find out!
The Fractal Design Define XL full-tower case is targeted to users building a high-end gaming PC who want a huge cooling performance and, at the same time, the quietest computer possible. Let's see how the Swedish manufacturer was able to achieve this goal.
Today we are going to look at the Fractal Design Define XL Case which is designed to keep noise to a minimum. The ‘XL’ part of the cases’ name is certainly reflective of the size of the case which is quite a lot larger than the other £100+ cases we’ve looked at recently.
Built like a truck and can hold 10 HDD's, Fractal Design's latest case is trying to break new ground in both price and features for a what they are calling a "mid-tower". Legit Reviews takes a closer look at the Define XL in Black Pearl to see how it stacks up to the rest of the cases at the super competitive ~$150 price point.
Auch im neuen Jahr wollen wir euch natürlich wieder extraordinäre Gehäuse vorstellen respektive testen und Fractal Design stand schon lange auf unserem Wunschzettel, nun hat es endlich geklappt. Dieses noch recht junge Unternehmen aus Schweden ist in Skandinavien seit 2007 sehr erfolgreich und hat im letzten Jahr den Sprung nach Deutschland und seinen heiß umkämpften Gehäuse-Markt gewagt. Fractal Design konnte dann 2010 einige Achtungserfolge mit ihren Produkten erzielen, darunter waren auch ausgesprochen funktionelle und erstklassig durchkonstruierte Gehäuse, insofern war unser Interesse eine logische Konsequenz.
Der neue Define XL Big-Tower ist in diesem Review unser Thema: das sehr geräumige und betont dezent designte Gehäuse möchte mit geräuscharmen Lüftern, gedämmten Gehäusepartien, hoher Alltagstauglichkeit, manigfaltiger Ausstattung, einer äußerst stabilen Statik und einem bezahlbaren Preis Punkte sammeln. Ob und vor allem wie dies in der Praxis gelungen ist, erfahrt ihr in unserem neuesten Gehäuse-Review, dazu wünschen wir euch viel Vergnügen...
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