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Signori e Signore oggi abbiamo il piacere di presentarvi una recensione molto speciale, in anteprima Italiana; il prodotto che verrà analizzato è di uno dei marchi più conosciuti nel settore delle soluzioni per il controllo delle ventole, e dei sistemi a liquido. Di cosa stiamo parlando? Della naturale evoluzione di uno dei prodotti più venduti e conosciuti tra i fan controller, ma soprattutto più affidabili e potenti. Beh, le presentazioni sono d’obbligo, ma il titolo ha già svelato tutto: il fan controller FC5V3 Lamptron! E’ con particolare orgoglio che ve lo presentiamo e quindi sarà necessario analizzarlo a fondo, sviscerarlo, smontarlo e sondare le sue reali capacità sul terreno di prova. A tal fine inauguriamo la nuova procedura di test per i fan controller, che permetterà anche l’analisi del carico in W sul singolo canale, che quindi ci permetterà di verificare direttamente il funzionamento del fan controller secondo quanto dichiarato dal produttore. V’invitiamo a leggere la procedura di test nel capitolo dedicato, ora procediamo alla descrizione delle caratteristiche tecniche, del bundle e poi ovviamente del prodotto. Ci sarà ovviamente anche qualche piccola sorpresina e comparativa straordinaria, oltre ad un paragrafo dedicato al contest in atto per vincere dei sample del fan controller Lamptron CW611 con logo personalizzato XtremeHardware. Ci sarà ovviamente anche qualche piccola sorpresina e vi notifichiamo anche la presenza di un contest in cui potete vincere dei sample del fan controller Lamptron CW611 con logo personalizzato XtremeHardware. Ce ne sono solamente 10 al mondo quindi controllate questa sezione: Concorsi. Buona lettura!
Der schwarze Ritter ist in Literatur und Filmen stark, bedrohlich und unberechenbar. Normalerweise weiß man nicht so genau, wer sich unter der markanten Rüstung verbirgt, doch diesmal ist der "Dark Knight" ein alter Bekannter: Es handelt sich um den CPU-Kühler HDT-S1283 des Herstellers Xigmatek.
A whole selection of 120mm fans under £10, but are they any good?
It seems when CPU coolers are designed these days appearance is the main concern for the designers. The one with the most lights or copper on display steals all the attention. What happened to the old days? Competition is your answer my friend. In the computing industry nowadays, there are many companies manufacturing OEM CPU coolers. Smaller companies are then buying these OEM’s, shoving an LED fan or two on and rebranding them. And the sad thing is, is that we’re buying them! One such company who is very against this is Scythe. Scythe design all their own CPU coolers, they’re completely unique! Today we have a cooler for review from Scythe, the Mugen 2, alike many of Scythe’s products, this one too is beefy but basic in bling, let’s see how this bad boy performs
Bearing close resemblance to the Prolimatech Megahalems Frostytech tested a few years back, the Eclipse IV heatsink is a bifurcated-tower cooler from heatsink manufacturer 'X2 Products' a brand offshoot of Spire Corp. The Eclipse IV heatsink is rated to a maximum cooling capacity of 220W by its makers and at first glance has the gravitas to back that claim up.
Grafikkartenkühler werden deutlich seltener ausgetauscht, als es beim Boxed-Kühler von Intel oder AMD der Fall ist. Der Hauptgrund ist vermutlich der Verlust der Garantieleistung, welcher bei der Demontage des Kühlers eintritt. Da es sich unter Umständen dennoch lohnt das "Risiko" einzugehen und den Original-Kühler zu ersetzen, haben wir schon mehrfach gezeigt. In unserem heutigen Review wollen wir euch einen Kühler von Deepcool vorstellen - den V6000 - welcher für viele der aktuellen Grafikkarten geeignet ist. Zwei direkt auf dem Kühler montierte 92-mm-Lüfter sollen beim V6000 für eine gute und leise Kühlung des Grafikprozessors sorgen und dadurch die beiden Hauptkritikpunkte der Original-Kühler eliminieren: Die Lautstärke und die Kühlleistung. Ob dem V6000 von Deepcool das gelingt überprüfen wir auf den folgenden Seiten, auf dem sich der Kühler auf einer Nvidia Geforce GTX 560 Ti beweisen muss.
Was ist derzeit interessanter als die neuesten Grafikkarten, die vor kurzem erschienen sind? Genau, passende VGA Kühler, die die kleinen grafischen Kraftwerke leiser und kühler machen. Einem Kühler muten wir da viel Potential zu, dem Scythe Setsugen 2 VGA Kühler, den wir auf einer POV/TGT GTX 460 Beast getestet haben.
Das Scythe seine Produkte gerne mit fernöstlichen Traditionen assoziiert, ist kein Geheimnis und bleibt den Japern natürlich unbenommen. Nur sollten wir uns bewußt sein, was der Kabuto der Samurai tatsächlich bedeutet: dieser Helm wird nach einer siegreichen Schlacht verliehen, an Selbstbewußtsein herrscht also offensichtlich kein Mangel.
Akasa is a company most famous for their cooling products, even though they have diversified into other market areas over the years. We have reviewed many of their products over the past few years, including PSUs, computer cases and notebook accessories. Today we are going to have a look at their latest mainstream CPU cooler, the X4.
Last I remember from Zalman, I was testing the CNPS10X coolers, of which there were four versions in total - two of which I got to look at personally. There was the Performa and the Extreme, both of which were typical tower based designs with a top cover and other tricks specific to the series. The cooler we are about to see takes on some of the attributes of these coolers, but harks back to the CNPS7 series of coolers for its outer appearance. You might even say both got their concept for the CNPS5, but we aren't splitting hairs here and it looks much more like the 7 series.
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