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L'été est là avec ses beaux jours. Le soleil est de sortie et ça n'est pas pour déplaire à tout le monde. Pour les uns c'est le moment de sortir les endives de la cave, le temps des mini-jupes, du retour du Speedo et des tongs! Pour d'autres, le cauchemar commence... Faut-il sous volter son processeur et ventiler avec d'énormes ventilateurs de chantier pour éviter la surchauffe? Et le watercooling, c'est une solution aussi ? Oui, le watercooling c'est ce dont il est question aujourd'hui et plus particulièrement des kits autonomes ou tout-en-un. Après Coolit et Asetek, pionniers sur ce segment - mais réservés le plus souvent aux intégrateurs - le marché s'était ouvert au grand public grâce à Corsair et ses solutions H50 et H70 de la gamme Hydro Series. Plus récemment, la marque californienne Antec s'est lancée dans l a partie avec deux produits milieu et haut de gamme: les Kühler H20 Series 620 et 920. Ces solutions sont-elles une bonne alternative aux meilleurs refroidissements à air ? C'est ce que nous allons tenter de savoir dans ce dossier !
"Ils sont au format tour et sont équipés d’un ventilateur des 120 mm. L’un comporte six caloducs de Ø 6 mm, l’autre trois mais Ø 8 mm avec la possibilité de monter un deuxième ventilateur en extraction. Ils sont compatibles avec tous les sockets courants, Intel LGA 775, 1155, 1156, 1366 et AMD AM2, AM2+ et AM3 enfin ils utilisent tous deux une contre-plaque à positionner au dos de la carte mère, pour leur fixation."
Have you ever been on a long car ride in the middle of a blazing hot summer afternoon without air conditioning? Well, for those who have always had air conditioned cars, you should try it for a day. Make sure to try it with the windows rolled up, and you will get a feeling of what being stuck in a steam room with a bunch of very large men is like. Thankfully, I am one of the fortunate individuals who always had air conditioning in their car. Why am I going off about air conditioning? Well, when I am playing games for a long period of time, which is a rare occurrence in itself, the laptop I am playing on usually starts to feel like it has been locked up in a car with all the windows closed. Of course, anyone who plays games knows the last thing you want is to be uncomfortable while fighting the boss, or searching for secret items (Which probably don't even exist). Once upon a time, I had an old laptop that seemed to think cooling solutions were overrated. After a couple minutes under heavy load, the laptop, without any warning, would cut the power off. I was very grateful when someone finally figured out some poorly designed laptops have a tendency to overheat, and they came up with cooling pads. Cooler Master has kept that going with a wonderful array of NotePal coolers. With the new X-Slim is a portable notebook cooler, let's find out if it has what it takes to turn off the stove while I'm teaching a boss who is really the boss!
The Superclock is a CPU cooler from EVGA, with a tower heatsink, five heatpipes, and one 120 mm fan. Lets test it!
The very recently launched Macho HR-02 CPU Air Cooler is actually an TY-140 140mm PWM silent fan bundled with the already excellent, yet somewhat bulky standalone HR-02 passive CPU Cooler by Thermalright which also passed from our test bench almost a year ago.
At eTeknix we like to cover the full range of components for your computer and case fans are one of those things that are essential but rarely discussed for reasons such as; it is much more important to have a good CPU cooler than good case fans. However, that in itself is not quite strictly true as without a CPU cooler your processor will overheat within seconds but without a case fan you will struggle to remove any heat removed from the CPU and of course then no more heat can be removed. More simply put, it is essential to have good airflow through the case to remove the heat build-up else your CPU cooler won’t be able to operate.
Today we bring you yet another review of a product from Be Quiet, who perhaps is the most well known German manufacturer of PC-related products. A few weeks ago we had a look at their Dark Rock Advanced C1, a very high quality CPU cooler; today we are going to test and review its monstrous brother, the Dark Rock Pro C1 CPU cooler.
We review a lot of fans and other computer cooling equipment here at OCModShop. In some ways, testing fans are quite straightforward, and in other ways they are very subjective. The noise and airflow ratio produced by any given fan changes as the blades and motor gather dust. Debris on the blades can actually chip away at the blade edge over time, making it less aerodynamic, which reduces airflow and increases noise. Dust in the motor means friction, which requires more electricity to move the fan around and increased noise.
Today we have the latest and greatest from Corsair and Antec connected to our test system as we put the H80 and Kuhler 920 head to head in order to find out which is best. Can Corsair (and CoolIT's) latest design beat the critically acclaimed Asetek/Antec model?
Welcher Besitzer einer High-End Grafikkarte kennt das nicht: Kaum wird es Sommer und die Temperaturen steigen müssen die Lüfterdrehzahlen des eigenen Rechenknechts teilweise deutlich angehoben werden, um der zusätzlichen Wärme gerecht zu werden. Besonders die aktuell recht hitzköpfigen 3D-Beschleuniger werden damit öfters störend laut. Scythe, Thermalright und EKL Alpenföhn haben mit ihren aktuellen Produkten die Messlatte im jeweiligen Leistungs- respektive Preisbereich ein gutes Stück angehoben. Etwas ruhiger war es in letzter Zeit um den Schweizer Kühlerspezialist Arctic. Doch damit ist nun Schluss. Genau richtig zur hitzigen Sommerzeit bringt Arctic mit dem Accelero Xtreme II Plus und dem Accelero Twin Turbo II zwei neue vielversprechende Kühlermodelle in Stellung, die wir in unserem Test auf Herz und Nieren, pardon Heatpipes und Lamellen testen wollen.
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