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In this review we will be taking a closer look at the Crucial RealSSD C300 128GB solid state drive, which in addition to a 355MB/s maximum read speed, also offers a 140MB/s maximum write speed. The way that Crucial is able to offer such a high speed product is by being one of the few drive manufacturers to take advantage of SATA 6Gbps technology.
Die Seagate Momentus bekommen Zuwachs: Die Momentus XT ergänzt die 2,5-Zoll-Festplatten um eine hybride Baureihe, die zur Beschleunigung auf 4 GiByte Flash-Speicher als Lese-Cache setzt. Der PCGH-Test zeigt, wie sich das in der Praxis auswirkt.
Der Flash Survivor von Corsair macht seinem Namen in vielerlei Hinsicht alle Ehre. Seit seiner Einführung im Jahre 2007 an der Seite des nicht ganz so massiv verpackten Flash Voyager hat er bis heute überlebt. Wenngleich die Technik im Inneren das ein oder andere Update verzeichnete, so blieb die Hülle aus Aluminium stets vorhanden. Ob zum Tauchen oder als Flaschenöffner, der Stick hat seine Fangemeinde gefunden. Wir haben uns das Topmodell der aktuellen Reihe, den Flash Voyager GTR mit 32GB Speicherplatz, angesehen.
One of the leading pioneers bringing SSD technology to the mainstream marketplace has been OCZ, and the item we have for review today is their Agility 2 drive based on the SandForce 1200 controller. The SandForce-based Agility 2 replaces the previous generation Indilinx-controlled Agility that Rutledge reviewed last year. Based on specifications, the Agility 2 is very similar to OCZ's Vertex 2, like the 50Gb model that Shawn had a look at last month. OCZ offers these models in a wide variety of sizes, ranging from 40/50/100/200/400Gb on the standard drives to 60/90/120/180/240/480Gb on their Extended Capacity versions.
Today for review I’ve got another Samsung product, it’s another optical drive, but it’s one that goes in your computer. Specifically it’s the SH-B123L 12X BD-Rom/DVD Writer, or it’s a Blu-Ray drive with DVD writer functionality as well. This drive at 12X is supposedly one of the fastest in production right now, making it rather special. the drive itself has a unique look to it that I like, it’s not cluttered with logos and badges like other drives, and the drive tray front is actually mirrored with the Blu-Ray logo on it. The drive is physically small in size making it perfect for compact cases like an HTPC would have, it’s quiet and it’s a decent product…
SuperTalent hat mit dem SuperCrypt einen der ersten USB-3.0-Speichersticks vorgestellt, der darüber hinaus auch über eine Hardwareverschlüsselung verfügt. Wie schnell der Stick in der Praxis ist und ob der spezielle UASP-Treiber ihm einen weiteren Leistungsschub geben kann, testen wir in unserem neuesten Artikel.
One of Seagate's most recent innovations is the GoFlex system, which allows users to customize a hard drive with the connection that best suits their needs. While the connection options are interesting, the storage capacity is also very impressive. Pushing the storage limits ever higher, Seagate has released a new 3TB external hard drive... the FreeAgent GoFlex Desk.
The other major change that hit with MP2 was something that we could all use; more capacity available to the user. This was the feature that we were all excited about. Since SandForce designed their controller, all of the available space for background tasks making the space available didn’t impact performance unless the drive is nearly full. Even then, the drive is very fast, but now users have the opportunity to fill that space with data.
So we’re going for another Samsung review today, this one though is of one of their newest hard drives called the F4. I’ve put it up against many other drives from other manufactures and even against the Samsung F1 and an SSD as well. The F4 is fast, it’s faster than all of the other drives except for the SSD, but in some of the tests it comes close. Read on to check out a very lightweight and fast hard drive…
Anno 2007 konnten sich die ersten „Hybrid-Festplatten“ noch nicht durchsetzen. Mit der Notebook-Festplatte Momentus XT wagt Seagate nun einen neuen Versuch und hofft den richtigen Mittelweg zwischen HDD und SSD gefunden zu haben. Wir haben uns den Hybriden vorgenommen und gegen verschiedene Laufwerke antreten lassen.
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