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Samsung is a very large player in the solid state drive market, but you may not have known. This is because they sell their drives in bulk to companies like Apple to use in their products. That is why they are not an known in the consumer or enthusiast market. In fact Samsung is the largest producer of flash memory in the world. One thing that is great about Samsung solid state drives is that everything inside is made by Samsung, the NAND, controller and DRAM cache. This makes it very easy for Samsung to correct issues or fix problems because everything is done in-house. We saw this on Samsung’s 830 Series solid state drive and the big difference between the 830 and 840 is that the 840 Series uses TLC NAND chips instead of MLC. We will get to the difference in just a bit. The controller on the 840 Series has also been updated. The 120GB version we are testing today has read and write speeds of 530MB/s and 130MB/s respectively so it sort of fits into the entry-level segment. Let’s take a look…
For the latest generation SSDs the Serial ATA 600 bus has become a true bottleneck. Not to worry, a faster solution is in the works. The organization responsible for the SATA standard is getting ready for the future of computers in a number of different ways. Today we will take a closer look at SATA Express, NGFF and NVM Express.
Samsung’s Series 840 SSDs offer great value for your money, but they use the relatively new TLC type of memory chips. These have a shorter lifespan than the more commonly used MLC chips, but how much shorter exactly? Samsung of course has full confidence in the longevity of their Series 840 SSDs, but there really is only one way to find out just how long buyers can expect a TLC-equipped drive to function: by testing the hell out of it.
The Intel 335 Series is known as 'That Intel Drive with 20nm Flash', but it's so much more. The 180GB capacity size gives you comfort room with Windows 8 and does very well in our power test.
Seit dieser Woche ist die neue M500 SSD von Crucial im Handel erhältlich, die nicht nur mit enormer Leistung, sondern endlich auch mit Kapazitäten nahe der 1TB Grenze überzeugen möchte und das zu einem Preis, wo manch andere schnelle SSD bei halber Größe liegt.
Wir haben heute die kleinere Crucial M500 480GB SSD CT480M500SSD1 mit integrierter 256-Bit AES Verschlüsselung getestet und durch den Benchmark Parcour gejagt.
Crucial gibt die M500 480GB SSD und die Crucial M500 960GB SSD CT960M500SSD1 mit einer Leseperformance von 500MB/s und einer erstaunlich hohen Schreibperformance von 400MB/s an.
Im SSD Benchmark Vergleich werden wir sehen, ob sie diese Performance erreichen kann und wie sich die neue Crucial M500 SSD im Gegensatz zu den vorigen Festplatten und Solid State Drives schlägt.
Late last year when I reviewed OCZ’s Agility 4 SSD, their Vertex series was still the highest performing model they offered. The Vertex offered both speed and IOPS that managed to just slightly outdo the Agility series. In what feels like a short time since that review, OCZ’s SSD lineup has re-worked considerably; putting the Vertex as their middle end drive, dropping out the Agility 4 all together, and introducing a new Vector line as the king of the hill high performer.
We would like to inform you about the latest review published on Myce.com. This time we reviewed the Silicon Power 16GB UHS-1 Class 10 SDHC card.
Seagate has now introduced two generations of their Momentus XT solid state hybrid drive (SSHD) which combined the larger storage capacity of a traditional hard drive with the faster transfer rates of a solid state drive. This fusion of technology offered an improvement over standard drives and moved performance closer to a SSD. The third generation is available now, and Seagate is calling this generation the Laptop SSHD or Laptop Thin SSHD, depending on the thickness of the unit.
Auf die nagelneue OCZ Vertex 3.20 mit 120 GB Speicherkapazität durften wir bereits zuletzt einen Blick werfen. Nun, nur wenige Tage nach diesem Review, folgt der ausführliche Praxistest der Vertex 3.20 mit 240 GB. Beide Modelle dieser Neuauflage der Vertex 3 setzen auf den erfolgreichen SandForce SF-2281 Controller, kombiniert mit neuster Flash-Technologie. Die namentlich als OCZ Vertex 3.20 geführte Serie bedient sich 20 nm NAND-Flashspeicher (zuvor 25 nm), was durch den Namenszusatz ".20" entsprechend kenntlich gemacht wird. [...] Mit den 3.20er-Laufwerken trägt OCZ auch einem zusätzlichen Trend in der Branche Rechnung, den wir auf den folgenden Seiten näher erläutern möchten. Wir haben uns die OCZ Vertex 3.20 mit 240 GB für einen ausführlichen Praxistest eingeladen, um die Kombination aus SF-2281 und 20 nm NAND-Speicher auf Herz und Nieren prüfen zu können. Außerdem vergleichen wir den Testprobanden mit der 120 GB Variante der Familie, sowie der Kingston SSDNow V300, einer aktuellen 19 nm SSD aus dem gleichen Markt- und Preissegment. Wie immer wünschen wir Ihnen viel Spaß beim Lesen des Artikels!
The WD Black and Seagate Desktop HDD.15 are both 4TB drives with 64MB of cache, but they differ internally on how they reach this large capacity. WD uses five 800GB platters and Seagate uses four 1TB platters to reach 4TB. Seagate informed us that the new 1TB per platter design significantly increases the hard drive’s performance over the competition. It also consumes 35 percent less power than comparable drives on the market with 4TB capacities, so this will be an interesting matchup...
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