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In terms of performance, it's a mixed bag. Most operations like boot, frequently used file/application loads, etc are dramatically enhanced with times rivaling some of the top SSDs. However, the Dataplex software must first prioritize this data which can take a few iterations before it really hits its stride. Basically this means performance can feel uneven depending on your computing habits. Anyone not using Windows 7 is out of luck because currently that is the only OS the software supports...
External HDD Docking Stations may not be perfect (occasional issues with USB 3.0 models) and are certainly not as fast as an internal SATA III connection but regardless of these two they are also without doubt some of the most convenient accessories for computers ever manufactured. Of course ever since the first USB 2.0 HDD docking stations made their appearance a few years ago many new features have been added from Firewire, eSATA and USB 3.0 connectivity up to dual HDD docking stations with (select few solutions) or without RAID0/1 modes. However some manufacturers choose to walk another path and so Sandberg just released their second HDD Cloner and as expected we have been playing with it for the past week.
When we reviewed the Plextor M3 256GB SSD earlier this year our verdict was pretty positive. That model is based on the Marvell 88SS9174 controller combined with 24nm Toshiba ToggleFlash NAND chips. Its performance was excellent, the warranty impressive (five-year factory warranty) but the price was a bit steep in our opinion.
A lot has happened in the world of SSDs in the few months that have passed since then. We've witnessed the arrival of new models such as the OCZ Vertex 4, but also the beginning of a price war. Many popular SSDs such as Crucial's m4 and Intel's new SSD 330 series are in the meantime available for significantly less than £1 per GB.
Plextor has yet to join the price race to the bottom, and instead says it prefers investing in performance and quality. For a short while now the M3 Pro has been available in the M3 series, and its specifications indicate improved performance. Hardware.Info tested the 256 GB model.
While the Raptor is still considered a performance drive there is a huge performance gap between it and Solid State Drives with SSD’s having the performance advantage. With that in mind what Solid State Drives have not been able to offer yet is capacity at a price point that a lot of enthusiasts really want.
One of the first challenges new SSD users face is whether to migrate the system in place or to consider a fresh OS installation where one might ‘start from scratch’. In many cases, users have several years invested in their system whereas, with others, the security of a fresh installation is a major step towards SSD happiness. The choice of SSD migration may seem the simplest answer but users should be aware that things may not go as planned, thus mandating a fresh install in any case. This article is intended to provide a brief overview of system migration and some of the difficulties that may be encountered, as well as providing an alternative and comparison in completing a fresh OS installation with your new SSD.
APH Networks reviews the epic large 512GB SSD from OCZ. Is it as awesome as its capacity suggests?
So mixing and matching is doable on modern non proprietary controllers and though this is an Intel controller I have done much the same on AMD controllers. The manuals even say you can do it but yes it is recommended to use the same size and interface but that is recommended it does not mean it is a rule. Yes it is best to match sizes and speeds but it is not an absolute.
The Corsair Accelerator Series was designed to significantly boost your systems read and write performance by the least intrusive method possible. If you are looking for a quick and easy way to upgrade your existing system this is most certainly one of the best ways to do it. Sure you don't have to do any drive mapping or need to reinstall the operating system, but it isn't as 'no hassle' as we first thought...
When you think about SSDs, the first names that come to mind are probably those of bigger companies, such as OCZ, Intel, Samsung, Toshiba, Kingston, and SanDisk…just to name a few. Recently however, a fairly new company named MyDigitalSSD has been making headlines, especially here on The SSD Review. Keeping the trend alive, we take a fresh look at the new 512GB MyDigitalSSD Bullet Proof 3 Solid-State Drive. Those who have wondered why SandForce based SSDs seem to have a shorter storage capacity than all others (ie 240/256GB) need not worry further. LSI has recently released code to manufacturers which allows them to remove that 7% over provisioning that Sandforce drives are famous for without a performance kick, providing the consumer with 7% more storage on each new SSD.
Mit der Vertex 3 schuf OCZ einen der SSD Kassenschlager schlecht hin. Der verbaute SandForce Controller erreichte erstmals ungeahnte Geschwindigkeiten. Mit dem Kauf der Chipschmiede Indilinx Anfang des Jahres, verbreiterten die U.S. Amerikaner ihr eigenes Knowhow und präsentierten schon mit der Octane, dass erste Werk mit dem neuen Indilinx Controller. Die Neuauflage, also der Indilinx 2 kommt beim neuesten Spitzenmodell zum Einsatz. Mit der Vertex 4 möchte der Hersteller dort anknüpfen, wo der Vorgänger angesetzt hatte. Wir haben uns die SSD einmal angesehen und auf Herz und Nieren geprüft.
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